Introductory start manual

Pair your smartphone with the Pro2 Controller.

Access WiFi Settings on your mobile device -Locate JellyFish-XXXX in the list of networks -Connect using the password bigfish10.

You can download the mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Look for “JellyFish Designer” in either store
  2. Download the “JellyFish Designer Cloud” app to control your lights remotely and launch the app
  3. Navigate to Setup
  4. Go to WiFi Setup -Scan for available networks -Locate and select your local network
  5. Scan for networks – Locate and choose your local network
  6. Ensure your network is 2.4 GHz
  7. Input the password
  8. Press Connect
  9. WiFi Setup will process for a minute or two
  10. Once completed, the controller will display the correct date and time, followed by (*9) – (*8) or (*9) indicates a strong connection – (*0) to (*7) suggests the need for a WiFi extender or direct connection to the router or switchbox
  11. Close the app
  12. Your phone should now be connected to your home network.
  13. JellyFish-XXXX should now appear as JellyFish-c-XXXX, and the password should match your local network password
  14. Launch the app and start using your lights.

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