Pattern tab in menu: Design new custom patterns

  1. Tap on the “Pattern” button located at the bottom.
  2. Select “All Zones” and then tap the box next to a zone to choose it.
  3. Tap the “x” to return to the previous screen.
  4. Tap on “Pattern Mode” to select a motion effect.
  5. Use the – and + buttons next to “# Colors” to pick your colors.
  6. Tap on the “Adjust” button at the top to include additional effects.
  7. Tap “Save” to store your settings.

  • Navigate to the Pattern TabTap the pattern icon located at the bottom of your screen.Choose the Zone:

    Tap the ▼ beside “All Zones” to pick the specific zone you want to activate.

    By default, your system is configured to a zone named “All Lights.”

    If you’ve set up custom zones, they will be displayed here.

    Tap the box to the right of the desired zone to apply the pattern. A ✓ will indicate your selection.

    Tap x to return to the pattern creation page.

    Choose a Pattern Mode:

    Tap the ▼ next to the pattern mode.

    • Color – Static
    • Chase – Sequentially moving lights
    • Paint – A solid color changing one light at a time, back and forth
    • Stacker – A solid color that changes by one light stacking to the other side (zones need to be set up for this)
    • Sequence – All lights flash through the same colors simultaneously
    • Multi-Paint – A solid color spreading from a central point

    Specify the Number of Colors in the Pattern:

    Tap the – and + buttons next to “# Colors.”

    For a single solid color, set “# Colors” to “1.”

    Modify the Colors in the Pattern:

    Tap the color you wish to alter.

    A selected color will be shown as a circle, allowing changes.

    An unselected color appears as a square and must be tapped to be selected.

    Use the rainbow slider to pick a new color.

    The second slider adjusts the shade/intensity.

    To Save a Color:

    Press and hold a square under “Custom” while displaying the desired color.

    Adjust Tabs in the Upper Menu

    Color Transforms

    At least two colors must be selected in the pattern.

    Different color transforms are available depending on the pattern mode (not all transforms are available for every mode).

    Select a color transform by tapping the ▼ next to “No Color Transform.”

    • No Color Transforms – No color transformations applied.
    • Repeat – Adjusts the number of lights for each color in sequence.
      • If the repeat is set to 3, there will be 3 of each color consecutively.
    • Progression – Number of colors showing between transitions.
      • If progression is set to 3, the lights transition in 3 steps from red to blue (red, dark pink, light pink, white, reverse).
    • Fade – Alters brightness intensity between colors.
      • If fade is set to 3, the lights shift brightness in 3 stages (off, half on, fully on, half on, off, change color, repeat).
    • Skip – The pattern skips lights instead of changing each one.
      • If skip is set to 3, every 3rd light will display the pattern.
    • Fill with Black – Turn lights off between colors.
      • If set to 3, 3 lights will be off between colors.
    • Direction – Alters the pattern direction.
    • # of LEDs – A pattern playing in multiple places at once
    • If the # of LEDs is 2, the lights will be playing 1 pattern in 2 places


    • No Effect – No additional effect.
    • Twinkle – Randomly flashes 1 white light.
      • Use the slider next to “Twinkle” to adjust the frequency.
    • Lightning – Randomly flashes 3 white lights.
      • Use the slider next to “Lightning” to adjust the frequency.
    • Speed – Use the slider to modify speed.
    • Brightness – Use the slider to adjust brightness.
    • Red – Adjust the red intensity with the slider.
    • Green – Adjust green intensity with the slider.
    • Blue – Adjust the blue intensity with the slider.


    Rename the created pattern.

    Select the category it will appear under on the “List” page or create a new category.

    Note – Only saved patterns can be triggered by timers, calendar events, or on-demand.

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